Cooling RoomDimensions: 3 x 2 x 2.90 m Cooling & Freezing Rooms Made of prefabneated walls The thickness of panel: 10 cm The panel is injected with polyurethane, density: 40 kg/m3 The panel from the outside is a greased sheet. and from the inside is: St/St 304 The door dimensions are: 100 x 200 cm All door accessories Euro Union American-South Korea-Japan-Egypt Origin” made. The door from the inside and outside from the: St/St 304 Temperature: 0: + 5 C The room is equipped with an operating electric panel all of its components are Schncider complete with protections. Insulation floor insomes: 3 mm * 10 em blue phil Room floor: Italian Soraga Cooling compressor “Euro Union -American-South Korea-Japan-Egypt Origin”&1 Packup Compressor capacity 3 HP “Euro Union -American-South Korea-Japan-Egypt Origin”coil.Local industry |
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معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment
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معدات مطابخ للفنادق kitchen equipment